The club meets on the first Friday of every month (unless there is a clash with a public holiday). The club venue is The St Joan Centre, a few hundred yards South of Farnham station, starting at 7:45pm on the first Friday of the month. Doors open by 7:15pm, there are refreshments at around 9:00pm, and meetings finish by about 10:15pm. Visitors and potential members are very welcome to turn up at the-door and first visits are free.
Membership and Joining
Visit for Free: It’s free for the first visit and then £4 per night until you join as a member. N.B. A visitor may not take part in filming, training, workshop or any other activity outside the monthly club meeting (see also student member below).
Full member: £42 pa. May attend all meetings, filming, training, workshops and other events and receive a PDF copy of newsletter ‘Border Post’. Family and friends may accompany a full member at a cost of £4 each per visit.
Family member: £60 pa. Two members at the same address, may attend all meetings but no extra copy of newsletter ‘Border Post’.
Student member: £15 pa or £2 at the door. May attend all meetings and receives newsletter ‘Border Post’ by email. Must be in full-time education and less than 25 years old.
Country member: £12 pa. Receives emailed PDF copy of newsletter ‘Border Post’ but does not attend meetings. To attend a meeting it is £4 per visit.
Club Documents
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