Programme 2020

Note that we are making extensive modifications to this year’s programme to facilitate online meeting during the coronavirus pandemic.

6th March Short talk on GoPro by Dave Rayers, then advice on making movies with a Phone with other club members.

3rd April Edit Exercise – My Community – Film on a Phone comp followed by movies from SERIAC 2019.

14th April We visit Farnham Friendship Society with some movies – United Reformed Church 1400 – 1500. Not a club evening.

1st May Tribute to VE Day – Movies by members of the club.

5th June Members Movies.

3rd July Film-at-Home – Theme is Nothing Ventured.

7th Aug No Meeting – Taking a Summer Break

4th Sept Documentary Competition

2nd Oct Inter Club Competition between 6 invited local clubs

6th Nov Shoreham Air Disaster by Alan Brown and other club members’ movies

4th Dec Annual Club Competition with outside judges.