
Club Productions

The club makes some movies with a production team of volunteer members. These movies can be more ambitious and complex than a typical home movie and we often use actor’s, multi-cameras, special effects and sometimes a modest budget to achieve the result.

Click to View Club Movie Productions

Club Team Movies

For some productions, most often our ‘Film in an Evening’ competition, some well established teams get together to complete the task. Over the years these teams have each produced a portfolio of work.

The Klondykes

The Odd Bods

The Pioneers

The Weyfarers

Annual Members’ Competition

Every year we invite an external judge to choose our best movies and make constructive comments on members’ entries. We have a large number of trophies for various categories which the successful member retains for the year.

Click to View the Annual Members’ Competition Movies

Best Overall Movie from this Year

Making a Difference by Jim Reed

A beautifully shot film to highlight the plight of big game birds, and particularly the vulture. Originally shot at a conservation park as a family day out, Jim had shown this last year but with disastrous projection problems, spoiling the occasion and prompting a committee investigation for a solution. He has completely revisited it, resulting in it being showered with four awards: Best Camera Work; Best Use of Sound; Best Documentary and Best Overall Film

Documentary Competition

The documentary competition is for individual members to show their movie making skills, often telling the story of another hobby or interest that they have.

Click to View the Documentary Competition Movies

Members’ Movies

Members can show their movies at club meetings, subject to fitting in with the programme. Just make a request to the Secretary or other committee member.