Movie Making for Enthusiasts
Next Meeting
2nd December Competition – St Joan’s Centre, 19 Tilford Road, Farnham GU9 8DJ. We always welcome new members and you can sound us out for free, too. Find out more about us by emailing the secretary:
You’ve got to be in it to win it!
Surrey Border Movie Maker’s ‘BRAIN’
As step towards archiving data and providing access to a wealth of information, we have now created our own SBMM Web Brain.
This is still in the process of being populated and created. But just playing around with it will show its potential. If you get lost just click on SBMM in the top left of the screen to return to the home page.

It’s web based for viewers. That means that if there’s anything you’d like adding just send it to SBMM using Slack Chat, and it will be added. Either click this link to open the SBMM Brain, or click either of the two Brain images to open in a new tab. Note that some browsers may display the data in a slightly different format.

Get Started on the SBMM Brain – no log-in required
Online Communications
Communicating Among Ourselves – Using Slack
We are still using our Slack account, which is a system to allow online conversations. All members are able to join and contribute. It’s a good way the share movie making knowledge, or just have a chat about something – especially when we cannot meet in person.
Latest Border Post
If you have difficulty viewing this you can expand to ‘presentation mode’ with the four diagonal arrow expansion control at top right This may not work on small devices like phones, in which case we recommend downloading it.